Genital herpes is a type of sexually transmitted diseases. The main symptom of this disease is the so-called herpetic sores. These are blisters that can open up and spill fluids. They are frequently painful. It’s estimated that about 16% of people between 14-49 have this disease.
There are two main virus forms that can cause genital herpes. The first virus form is HSV-1. This virus usually causes cold sores. The second form is HSV-2 and this form usually causes genital herpes.
The virus goes into the body through mucous membranes. These are thin layers of tissue around your body’s openings. They are to be found on the mouth, the nose, and the genitals. If the virus enters your body, then it spreads in your cells and it stays in the pelvic nerve cells. The thing to know about this virus is that it has a high level of adaptability. Once it gets inside, it’s very difficult to treat it.
If you have the herpes simplex virus, then it will be concentrated in your saliva, semen/vaginal fluids. The first outbreak that an infected person will have may happen anywhere from 2 to 30 days after the infection. The main symptoms for men and women are that they will have painful blisters in the area of their genitals and their anus. Also, these blisters can come in your mouth or on your face – or anywhere else in your body if various areas have come in contact with the virus. The area of infection may start to itch or feel uncomfortable in any other way before the blisters come out. These blisters can then form and eventually ulcerate and ooze fluids. Also, the lymph nodes of a person can get inflamed and swollen.
The situation becomes a lot more serious if a pregnant woman transmits the herpes virus to her unborn baby. This is possible because of the fact that the baby may come in contact with an infected area on the body of his or her mother during birth. If this happens, then the health consequences for the baby may be dire – including blindness, brain damage, and even death. So, it’s important to consult the doctors before giving birth – your doctors may advise you do a cesarean.
There is no way in which you can successfully cure the herpes virus. However, you can use certain forms of antivirus medications in order to treat the symptoms of the disease – namely the painful blisters. Also, it’s recommended that you maintain a high level of hygiene especially when it comes to the afflicted areas.
It’s also highly important that you’re mindful of the possibility to transmit the disease yourself. Always practice safe sex with your partner to improve sexual health. The virus will remain dormant in your body – as there is currently no way to completely cure it. Sporadic outbreaks of blisters tend to happen – given a proper trigger. The trigger usually is stress, illness, or tiredness. With a proper doctor’s advice and proper medication, you can successfully and effectively manage a healthy sex life.