Adam larry

“I am 57 years old with cholesterol based cardiovascular problems. I have had by-pass surgery and likely suffer erectile dysfunction due to circulation problems. I’m a regular use of Viagra, but I was concerned with the inconsistent performance and some side effects. I found your website one day while in search for alternatives to Viagra.

Being somewhat skeptical of your claims, but willing to find a better alternative, I purchased two packs of Activ-H pills. Well…and much to my wife’s pleasure…homerun first six times I used Activ-H. I have learned when I am very tired, nothing, not even Activ-H works. So, I get rested, take Activ-H and make my wife smile. Whoever are reading this, do remember rest is the most important thing for your sexual stamina. You will have your morning wood waiting for you, so get some rest first. My two cents.

One very notable aspect of Activ-H is a marked return of my interest in sex, i.e., my sexual drive is more like when I was in my 20s than as a 50 year old man.”